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BOX BREAK Schedule
December 3rd
1:00 PM
2022 Wild Card 5 Card Draw 1X Hobby HIT BREAK #1
1:25 PM
2022 Certified 1X Hobby Box Divisional #3
The Way It All Began
This all began when my love for sports cards took me to eBay one day and I stumbled across box breaking. Even though I didn't know what that was it seemed like a pretty cool new way to get cards delivered to my door. I bought into a few and was absolutely hooked! From there I found other guys ripping on YouTube - people actually watch these guys just open their packs! Catdude and I realized this could be a great hobby for us to enjoy together with my love of cards and his love for streaming and tech! Now we just keep learning new ways to enjoy the hobby with all of you guys - and we are so thankful for your support!
We hope you enjoy our site - join us for breaks - get some HUGE hits - and love this great hobby as much as we do. Bring your family, friends, co-workers, random people from the streets...literally bring anyone who might get a kick out of this great hobby and lets get to RIPPING!